testo 635-2 - 湿度仪,具有存储功能,含分析软件
订货号 0563 6353
Evaluate renovation measures quickly and flawlessly
Easy probe attachment, even in inaccessible places
Proof of service thanks to report creation
Integrated memory and easy evaluation with PC software
testo 635-2温湿度仪,具有存储功能,含分析软件和USB数据线;带电池和出厂报
该款仪器应用广泛,测量空气湿度、材料含湿量、以及压缩空气系统的压力露点。仪器内保存了多种湿度特性曲线,并带图表分析和显示功能。例如,功能键分别对应特定的应用场合,在菜单提示下进行便捷的操作。能够显示多3个温度或者湿度值,数据通过红外接口传输到德图打印机实现现场打印。使用特殊探头,可直接测试材料的含湿量。 testo 635通过显示环境空气与墙面的露点差值,分析天花板和墙面的潮湿度。高精度探头可测量高达-60℃ tpd的露点值,用于检测压缩空气系统的压力露点。德图研发的湿度传感器,以其高精度、长期稳定性、
- testo 635-2 thermohygrometer with reading memory, PC software, USB data cable, including calibration protocol and batteries (0563 6352)
- Radio module for measuring instrument, 869.85 MHz FSK (0554 0188)
- Radio handle for plug-in probe heads, including TC adapter (0554 0189)
- Humidity probe head, can be plugged onto radio handle 0554 0189 (0636 9736)
- Temperature probe for determining U-value, threefold sensor for recording wall temperature, including putty (0614 1635)
- Service case for the basic equipment for the thermohygrometer with probes (0516 0035
测量范围 |
-40 ~ +150 °C |
测量精度 |
±0.2 °C (-25 ~ +74.9 °C) ±0.4 °C (-40 ~ -+25.1 °C) ±0.4 °C (75 ~ +99.9 °C) ±0.5 %测量值 (其余量程) |
分辨率 |
0.1 °C |
Type K (NiCr-Ni)
测量范围 |
-200 ~ +1370 °C |
测量精度 |
±0.3 °C (-60 ~ +60 °C) ±(0.2 °C + 0.3 %测量值) (其余量程) |
分辨率 |
0.1 °C |
湿度测量范围 |
0 ~ 100 %RH |
测量精度 |
See probe data |
分辨率 |
0.1 |
测量范围 |
0 ~ 2000 hPa |
测量精度 |
See probe data |
分辨率 |
0.1 hPa |
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